Thursday, May 12, 2011

Currently inspired by...

A couple of projects seemed to have drained all the DIY energy inside of me. So all i'm left with are mental to-do's.

Behold the peg for this mental to-do. Friendship bracelets get less cheesy and more Chloe when rhinestones and chains are involved, don't you think?

Totally Hair Barbie

Greetings, loved ones. Let's take a journey to the past!

Look... it's Jenny from the Box with real-life glitter-hair-barbie hair!
Missing color, long hair and old toys.
Ahhh nostalgia.
Don't make me go there.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hair accessories featured in the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

As much as I love making hair jewelry (pro bono, might I add) and having a good hair day, sadly, I always resort to the labandera look in real life. I always feel like I get more work done with a faux thinking cap on.
And after putting in a hard day's work and finishing my "labada", I easily sport whoops-just-woke-up, messy hairography which I'm all for because I'm a bit of a scrooge when it comes to hair products. And well, it works best with mine anyway.