Early today, the
full theatrical trailer for Sex and the City 2 was officially released. HBO's not paying me for this but I figured I should write about the Fashion Fab Four here in Bend & Snap. After all, what's a fashion blog without a mention of
the show that started it all? And
the fiercely fashionable New York City gals that taught us to raise our Cosmopolitans to toast to the wonderful world of fashion where "no flower is too big, no skirt too short, or no shoe too expensive!"

When the show started in 1998, I was a fifth grader who quickly skipped her teeny-bopper phase partly because of all the exposure this show has given me. In the same way that when we were 5, we wanted to be 7, when I was 11, I wanted to be thirty, flirty, and thriving (oops, this one's referenced to another show, 13 Going on 30 starring Jennifer Garner) like the SATC girls. I loved how they weren't doing homework but were out there in the real world tackling everything WOMAN- fashion, disposable finances, romantic relationships, friendship, career, beauty... I can go on and on but all I'd really like to point out is that I loved how it depicted a very new kind of empowered woman that one day, I'd like to become. I grew up with the TV show; I'm happy that now that I am a newly corporate career woman myself, it's still growing up with me through film.

Unlike the others who fancied being one of the characters, I always wished I were their fifth bestfriend who would have my own strongly differentiated personality / fashion style / branding (there goes the Marketing geek in me). I mean, don't you agree that they need an Asian member? Or that Farrah sounds like a perfect branded name to go with the others? LOL okay I'm dreaming again. Anyway, in countdown to the SATC 2 movie, let's get to know each of the girls again and bask in their respective signature looks. The Facebook quizzes may ask, Which Sex and the City Chica are you? but I say we all have a share of each of the girls. We have workaholic Miranda moments, idealistic Charlotte moments, vavavoom Samantha moments, and quirky Carrie moments. And that mixture, whatever the ratio, plus your very own spice, makes you your very own kind of woman.
Until my next movie fashion article! :x
The career-minded Harvard Law School graduate with extremely cynical values about relationships and men (borderline misandric); her character is eventually 'softened' as she becomes a mom to Brady and a partner to Steve

*Miranda started quite fashionably challenged in the earlier series but I love how she's looking better and better in the latter parts of the series and in the movies. :)SAMANTHA JONES
The group's most senior member with an extremely strong facade, confidence, and personality (perfect for her PR career); her character is further developed when she gets diagnosed with cancer, eventually conquering it and learning to live life beyond 'pleasures'
*Samantha is an extreme character. And I totally appreciate her shameless love for her self. If we all had those, then insecurities won't bite us so much. But beyond her extreme facade, I also appreciate how she's a really caring and loyal friend. She can be the worst bitch you'll encounter but if you're one of her girls, you'll always, always have her behind you.CHARLOTTE YORK
The very traditionally brought up darling of the group with a truly romantic and optimistic personality; Charlotte was an art history major, straight A student, prom queen, cheerleader, student body president, track team captain, and teen model; much of her character's struggles represent our yearning for 'perfection' and the 'ideal'
*I've always found Charlotte amusing. I wish I can be as optimistic as her, not to mention as popular to the boys. :pCARRIE BRADSHAW
The New York City glitterati member known for her unique fashion sense and her weekly column Sex and the City for the [fictitious] newspaper New York Star; she is also a contributor to fashion magazines like Vogue; her character is simple and open-minded, with ups and downs that make her very much relative to normal, everyday females

*I always thought I was more of a Carrie. And not just because I have Carrie-messy hair. Of all the girls, I connect best with her. I also like her very casual writing style- it's like writing freestyle for oneself without worrying of impressing the world or winning a literary award.
A special shoutout to the Girlie Slant team: I say let's schedule to watch this movie (if you're scheduled to watch it already, then let's watch it again!) and have a little team get-together! Yes yes?By Farrah for Bend & Snap
**The author would like to note that this article has mentions lifted from the Sex and the City article properly referenced in Wikipedia. The photos are from the online archive galleries of SATC Fan Org and Carrie's Diary)